第二次采购询价公告(丰田中巴车) Second Procurement Inquiry Announcement (Toyota Minibus)

一、基本情况(basic situation)
1. 采购人:华电西港发电有限公司
2. 联系人:技术吴先生092328108,商务张辅美017302575
2.Contact: Mr.Wu . Contact number: 092328108.Contact: Mr.Zhang . Contact number: 017302575.
3. 报价专用邮箱:[email protected]。最终报价文件只能发送该邮箱,否则不予认可,且邮件标题名称必须为“西港项目丰田中巴车采购标段报价文件(**公司)”。请勿重复发送,采购人只认可最后一次报价。
3.Dedicated email address for quotations: [email protected]. The final quotation document can only be sent to this email address, otherwise it will not be recognized, and the title of the email must be “Quotation Document for the Toyota CMB Vehicle Procurement Bid Section of the Westport Project (**Company)”. Please do not send it repeatedly. The purchaser will only recognize the last quotation.
澄清专用邮箱:[email protected]。采购过程中若有疑问可发送至该邮箱,否则不予回复,且邮件标题名称必须为“西港项目丰田中巴车辆采购标段投标疑问(**公司)”。
Dedicated email for clarification: [email protected]. If you have any questions during the procurement process, you can send them to this email address, otherwise no reply will be given, and the title of the email must be “Questions about the bidding for the Toyota CMB vehicle procurement section in the Westport Project (**Company)”
4. 采购内容:详见报价表。
4.Procurement content: Please refer to the quotation sheet for details.
5. 采购方式:公开询价采购。
5.Procurement method: public inquiry procurement.
6. 评审方法:经评审的最低价法,按照满足采购需求且报价最低原则按顺序推荐候选成交供应商。6.Evaluation method: After evaluation, the lowest price method is used, and candidate suppliers are recommended in order according to the principle of meeting the procurement needs and offering the lowest price.
7.公告发布媒体与时间(Announcement release media and time)
1). 媒体平台:《柬华日报》http://jianhuadaily.com。
1). Media platform: “Jianhua Daily” http://jianhuadaily.com.
2). 公告时间:自公告发布之日—2024年01月05日24时止(柬埔寨时间,下同)。
2). Announcement time: from the date of announcement to 24:00 on January 5, 2024 (Cambodia time, the same below)
8. 报价截止时间:2024年01月08日10:00点前。
8.Quotation deadline: Before 10:00 on January 8, 2024 .
9. 送货:买方自提。
9.Delivery: Buyer picks up.
10. 采购监督投诉受理邮箱[email protected]
10.Procurement supervision complaint acceptance email [email protected]
二、报价说明(Quotation description)
1. 报价人的报价包括人工费、材料费、运杂费、管理费、利润、VAT税费、保险费以及标的物有关的一切费用,固定价格保持不变。
1.The bidder’s quotation includes labor costs, material costs, transportation and miscellaneous costs, management fees, profits, VAT taxes, insurance premiums and all costs related to the subject matter. The fixed price remains unchanged.
2. 资格审查资料:提供营业执照、税务登记证。
2.Qualification review materials: Provide business license, tax registration certificate。
3. 付款方式:(1)、合同签订后,买方向卖方支付价款的 20 %作为订金;
(1). After the contract is signed, the buyer pays 20% of the price to the seller as a deposit;
(2)、进度款:车辆交付前,卖方提供:①全额VAT10%增值税发票;②付款申请函;③卖方出具的交货清单;④产品原件质量合格证书及其它出厂文件资料;⑤买方签收的货物验收合格证书,买方支付价款的 80 %作为进度款,卖方收到货款时应将车辆及时交付给买方。
(2). provides: ① Full VAT 10% value-added tax invoice; ② Payment application letter; ③ Delivery list issued by the seller; ④ Original product quality certificate and other factory documents; ⑤ Goods acceptance signed by the buyer Certificate of conformity, the buyer pays 80% of the price as progress payment, the seller should deliver the vehicle to the buyer in time when receiving the payment.
4. 采购人不保证价格最低的供应商中标,也不对未中标的供应商作任何解释。对使用不符合质量要求的产品报价不予评审。
4.The purchaser does not guarantee that the supplier with the lowest price will win the bid, nor will it provide any explanation for suppliers who do not win the bid. Quotations for products that do not meet quality requirements will not be reviewed.
三、报价表(Offer sheet)

序号(Serial number) 物资名称

material name



单位unit 数量quantity 含税单价(美元)unit price including tax (USD) 含税合价(美元)

combined price including tax (USD)

1 丰田中巴车




Model Code:HZB70L-ZGMSS


4.2Liter Diesel,3 Doors

Common Rail Type

Left Hand Drive,29-Seaters,

5-Speed Manual Transmission

Original Country;Japan

辆vehicle 3    


含税总价(含10%VAT税费)Total price including tax (including 10% VAT):  
交货期delivery date   供应商名称supplier name  
联系地址contact address  

报价人bidder:              (签字)(signature)        联系方式contact information:


报价单位quotation unit:        (盖章)(seal)


备注:1. 报价人应签字盖章扫描后上传到报价专用邮箱。

remarks: 1. The bidder should sign  After stamping and scanning, upload it to the dedicated email address for quotation.

2. 报价人应附上营业执照、税务登记证扫描件。

2. The bidder should attach scanned copies of business license, tax registration certificate.



