柬埔寨达岱水电站 溢洪道挑流鼻坎水毁岩石头地基加固项目施工招标公告

1. 招标条件

本招标项目柬埔寨达岱水电站溢洪道挑流鼻坎水毁岩基加固施工项目业主为Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Limited(柬埔寨达岱水电有限公司),已落实资金来源,现进行公开招标。

2. 项目概况与招标范围

3. 投标人资格要求




1) 处于被责令停产停业、暂扣或者吊销执照、暂扣或者吊销许可证、吊销资质证书状态;

2) 进入清算程序,或被宣告破产,或其他丧失履约能力的情形。

4. 招标文件的获取

通过电子邮件报名并获取招标文件:请于2024年3月26日18:00(金边时间,下同)前,将公司资质文件(包括商务部营业执照、税务登记证、资质证书等)扫描件、公司介绍、公司业绩、联系人及联系方式等发至邮箱电子邮箱[email protected]报名或前往本公告所附地址现场报名获取招标文件。招标人审核报名资料通过后,发送招标文件。

5. 投标文件的递交

5.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2024年3月31日09:00,地点为柬埔寨达岱水电站小会议室。

5.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。


6. 发布公告的媒介


7. 联系方式

招 标 人 :Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Limited

地 址 :No. 16, Street 592, Sangkat Beungkok, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh,Cambodia

联 系 人 :曾先生(中文) +855 088 333 0117

林先生(柬文) +855 066 260 740

电子邮件 :[email protected]

2024年 3 月25日


Construction Tender Notices of

The Water Damaged Rock Foundation Reinforcement of Spillway Flip Bucket of Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Station

  1. Conditions of solicitation

The proportion of the bidding project——the water damaged Rock foundation reinforcement of spillway flip bucket is Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Limited. The project has bidding conditions, now the project construction open tender.

  1. Overview of the project and scope of the tender

The project is located in the dam area of Tatay Hydropower Station in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia. The planned duration is 60 days. The scope of the bidding is the reinforcement construction of the damaged rock foundation at the bottom of spillway flip bucket, see the bidding documents for details.

  1. Bidder qualification requirements

This tender requires bidders to:

3.1 Have the qualifications of Cambodian construction project construction or China construction engineering construction general contracting level 3 or above, or water conservancy and hydropower project construction general contracting level 3 or above, and have the corresponding construction capacity in terms of personnel, equipment, funds, etc.

3.2 There shall be no one of the following circumstances:

1) Being ordered to suspend production and business, suspend or revoke licenses, suspend or revoke permits, or revoke qualification certificates;

2) Entering into liquidation proceedings, or being declared bankrupt, or otherwise incapacitated.

  1. Acquisition of bidding documents:

Register by email and obtain the bidding documents: Please send the scanned copies of the company’s qualification documents (including business license, tax registration certificate, qualification certificate, etc.) of the Ministry of Commerce, company introduction, company performance, contact person and contact information to the mailbox before 18:00 on March 26, 2024 (Phnom Penh time, the same below [email protected] or go to the address attached at the end of the bidding announcement to register on-site to obtain the bidding documents. After receiving the registration email and reviewing the registration materials, the tenderer will send the bidding documents.

  1. Presentation of tender documents

5.1 The deadline for submission of bidding documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is 09:00 on March 31, 2024, and the location is the small conference room of Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Station.

5.2 The tenderer shall not accept the tender documents that are late or not delivered to the designated place.

  1. Medium of publication of the announcement

The tender announcement was also published in Jian Hua Daily and the bulletin board of Tatay Hydropower Station.

  1. Contact information

Bidder: Cambodian Tatay Hydropower Limited

Address: No. 16, Street 592, Sangkat Beungkok, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh,Cambodia

Contact: Mr. Zeng (Chinese) +855 088 333 0117

Mr. Lim (Khmer)   +855 066 260 740

E-mail: [email protected]


March 25, 2024

